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Burr Leonard

Yesterday, I met a Bar Method student named Emily Murgatroyd, a slender, athletic student there who owns a green, sustainable event planning company based in Vancouver. I was in that city to teach at the beautiful new Bar Method studio there, and Emily was one of my students. After class, Emily told me that she has two herniated disks. ??The recovery process for my back was slow and frustrating,? she told me. ??The challenging workouts I used to enjoy caused me pain and while I enjoyed the low impact exercises recommended to me (yoga, Pilates etc.) I really missed the feeling of accomplishment and the 'high' I got from strenuous activity. To me it felt like an 'either/or situation'?In June I was introduced to The Bar Method by a friend and after my first class I knew that I'd be hooked. The combination of low impact yet highly challenging exercises meant that I could enjoy all of the physical and mental benefits of a high intensity workout without any impact whatsoever on my back - or entire body for that matter.?

Posted by   /  October 24 ,2014
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Burr Leonard
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